Monday, March 31, 2014

Early Childhood and Technology

You would think that in this day and age, technology would abundant in early childhood programs. But to teach technology to the young three years old is a challenge in itself. I believe you can teach the young children but we should do it a way that will benefit them mentally and have some sort of stimulation for the brain. Lets not just teach children this is a computer and I am going to let you play on it. There should be knowledgeable staff at the site to help foster the learning for the children. By setting up different activities can help the children learn all about the ways computers can help them. Today children will all have some sort of encounter with technology viva the smartphone to the laptop computer. You can teach children certain etiquette in working on the computer. But it should be done in a contained environment with helpful knowledgeable staff.

I like the article I read about the advantages of introducing technology to children. We should remember children will learn at different rates and their cognitive ability is different from each other. If head start and UPK programs had people who knew what skill level to help the children in, then yes this would be a benefit. Sometimes I think certain programs just don't know where to go to get information on the technology to help broaden the horizons in children's learning. Technology in Early Childhood-this shows preschoolers interacting with the smart board. This is a great way to get students excited about learning and the use of technology. Preschool Incorporates the IPad in students learning. This is from the director of the center who speaks highly about the 21st century learning that students are expected to know. Singapore's take on the 21st century learning and technology. I thought this would be interesting for you to watch because everyone is embracing the world of technology.


  1. "Lets not just teach children this is a computer and I am going to let you play on it." This is exactly what I was saying in my blog. I feel like so many parents just put their kids in front of the computer and expect it to keep them occupied. It's kind of sad how many kids don't go outside to play anymore and that playing is considered staying inside on the computer.

  2. I totally agree about teaching kids etiquette. I think incorporating computers is beneficial if only for that reason! The earlier we can start instilling things like netiquette, web safety, and how to deal with cyberbullying, the better. Definitely important to have people trained in that stuff on hand when introducing technology to young students!
