Monday, March 31, 2014

Early Childhood and Technology

You would think that in this day and age, technology would abundant in early childhood programs. But to teach technology to the young three years old is a challenge in itself. I believe you can teach the young children but we should do it a way that will benefit them mentally and have some sort of stimulation for the brain. Lets not just teach children this is a computer and I am going to let you play on it. There should be knowledgeable staff at the site to help foster the learning for the children. By setting up different activities can help the children learn all about the ways computers can help them. Today children will all have some sort of encounter with technology viva the smartphone to the laptop computer. You can teach children certain etiquette in working on the computer. But it should be done in a contained environment with helpful knowledgeable staff.

I like the article I read about the advantages of introducing technology to children. We should remember children will learn at different rates and their cognitive ability is different from each other. If head start and UPK programs had people who knew what skill level to help the children in, then yes this would be a benefit. Sometimes I think certain programs just don't know where to go to get information on the technology to help broaden the horizons in children's learning. Technology in Early Childhood-this shows preschoolers interacting with the smart board. This is a great way to get students excited about learning and the use of technology. Preschool Incorporates the IPad in students learning. This is from the director of the center who speaks highly about the 21st century learning that students are expected to know. Singapore's take on the 21st century learning and technology. I thought this would be interesting for you to watch because everyone is embracing the world of technology.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

ESL and Technology

I honestly never thought but ESL students. Especially when it comes to supportive or adaptive technology to help them succeed in school. As I read the last article we only have the basics for ESL students Such as: electronics dictionaries and word processors to support students in writing.  This is a shame with all the wonderful technologies that are coming available to students with disabilities. The question is "why" don't we have stuff for students who come to our country? I feel like we are falling behind in technology for all students. I thought this would be a great resource for teachers to look over. Since we are talking about ESL students. The ESL Classroom of 2016 is a ten minute video on the future. I thought this would be interesting to watch because it is the future and we should be prepared.

Most schools have a diversity of students from different countries. We should be ready and equipped in our classrooms to help those students. I do wonder if any schools talk about ESL students and technology. We shouldn't assume that they can learn like everyone else. I also believe their should be a class in technology to help them.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Technology and EBD

In the first article, by Julia Long she gives statics on what can happen if we don't help with children who have emotional and behavioral disturbances.  It is true children who do experience a hardship in learning tend to give up and quit. Some do know how to push through their issues while some don't know what to do. I do agree we should help students no matter what. But I also believe teachers and staff have to be equipped with tools so they can help.

Having the resources in technology could be a great advantage in a students outcome in life. But, we should give them the skills they need to survive life.  Not just a reward system. 

I like the second article about "Using Computers" for children with emotional and behavioral disorders. I think the article had a lot of value. It gave the reasons why we should use the computer as reward for students who experience outburst.  Technology can be a great tool for students if used properly and teachers are consistent with expectations. If teachers stay true to the students technology will only benefit the students. emotional and behavioral disorder.

I worked with students who have had emotional and behavioral disorders. In my own experience it is easier to calm a student down if there is a person who will just listen to them. I never saw any student who had technology as a reward. I bet if that was an option students who have these disorders could have been more responsive to their learning environments. I do like the idea of using technology as another tool for students who have emotional or behavioral disorder.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


First, let me say I didn't know New York State had so many companies that cater to Assistive Technology for resources. I think that is great but I do wonder, "Why we make it so hard for people to get the devices they need to help their everyday life? I know technology is expensive, but we need to give everyone a fighting chance to live a productive life. I feel in my own experience that we always start small before we go big for any type of AT service.  I worked for BOCES and teachers would make simple AT's before they would request anything to expensive. I know schools says it's all about money and they don't have it. I think that AT should be in the budget so students can benefit from their learning and life skills.

The funding for AT looks like people with disabilities have to jump through hoops.  In the reading it also states that most devices are only for school. If students need AT devices at school then more then likely they will need it at home.  Some schools don't allow the AT to go home because they say it's theirs because they helped purchase the device. That seems highly unfair considering schools should see that each student as an individual. That is why I believe schools should have a fund to help with students with disabilities. Every student deserves the same respect and FAPE as any other student.

Students who have and IEP and need anything from glasses to a wheelchair the school has to provide it. That falls under the IDEA which states all students receive the necessary services to help them. Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs is helpful site for parents and teachers. met Mason and his AT. simple said AT meet Jared he is a web designer. meet Elle and her DynaVox,

I thought I would give you access on AT devices different people use. Every person has a unique AT device are helpful for their particular need.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Communication Board

I finally made my communication board and went to Chili's to use it. I put on a timer before I went in so I could make sure I did sixty minutes. My boyfriend was not used of me talking, he had a  hard time adjusting. When I pointed to something on my board he wouldn't talk back.  He would shake his hand or head. I warned him before we went out but he didn't realize, how hard it would be.

I used the board to try to talk to him, but I felt like it was not real. I did the best I could of done. Now all I have to do is my reflection and script. It felt good to be done with my adventure of no talking. We take for granted we will always have a voice. But having no voice is no fun.

Assistive Technologyand the Law

In the reading on what it means for AT devices seems very vague. I feel like it doesn't give clear information what type of assistive technology one can use. AT can run from a simple homemade device to a computer device. I think teachers have a hard time knowing the difference. Unless it is about money then you know which one can be used. In my past I made AT devices for students because I was a one-one-aide to them. I knew my student better then anyone. It used to get me mad when the special education teacher would step in and try to tell me to do something with the student. The teacher never had any real time with students because there was about eight students in the class. Who were all highly autistic with different sensory issues.  Most mornings we were just trying to get the students to feel comfortable at school. Some had issues with noise, touching certain things, eating, violent behavior, screaming, and even a change in schedule.

The teachers aides are the ones who came up with AT devices for the students. We made pictures and put them in order on a board. We had recorded voices on a four button control board. We did a lot and even got beat-up sometimes by the student. No pun intended, just reality. this is a short video on AT This a teacher who is blind and teaches in Farmingdale, NY. What an inspiration to all educators. AT hasn't been around long enough but this teacher has adapted to all the changes and is one of the best.