Cast UDL Modules
I liked how in Module 1 Introduction to UDL: it explained what the three networks were. The recognition network is part of the sensory parts that help with eyes, ears, nose, and throat. This is part is in the back of the brain. It s able to identify and interrupt what see and hear. The strategic networks located in the front of the brain and controls how you move and able to figure out things like driving. The affective networks is located in the center of the brain. It makes us excited, fearful, novel to us, and makes the most important.
Module 2 Applying UDL to Lesson Planning: it shows how to implement a lesson plan to explore the ways to use the UDL for learning. You can listen to sections and it will explain how to use the UDL. It has flexibility with materials and curriculum. this is video showing how the UDL works with students. If you look through the website has many different resources for one to get acquainted with UDL. Take a look at it.
I am amazed how different ways we can help students but on the other hand we are using he common core state standards we boxed them all. In the 21st century we should be embracing all students more then ever with all the technologies available today. Why aren't we using UDL more and trying to help our students? I question only because we don't do enough differentiation anymore.
I loved how the modules were easy to understand. So I agree, if the modules are so easy to understand why aren't we using UDL more? Maybe it needs more exposure. I'm not sure why it isn't used more but maybe if we use more it will spread and it will be used more.